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Papa Pug

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Everything posted by Papa Pug

  1. I can see the benifits to both and the shock to "disbanding" a unique faction deffinatly not having a great way to be softened or "fair" with regards to allowing all to stay at current ranks and commensurate leadership roles. What if you had a police commissioner that was an interviewed and appointed manager with fair shot to all who are deemed "qualified" by SMT and then each devision still had a "Chief" and their leadership ranks below. Would allow those in command positions to still have positions and a fair represention/neutral commisioner that in theory would not be biased and persevere the specialties each side brings if they were merged. I believe a system set up in that way would be a more sustainable way to incorporate and provide worth to those already running each faction currently.
  2. Ty all for the meeting! Dont scew court cases. They are higher lvl of rp and you only delay justice, not stop it. Not realistic to go raid a courthouse, bad rp. If you want to brake folks out got do it DOC or get folks in transport...better non toxic rp
  3. Awesome work. Thanks to all involved to make it happen!
  4. Very well thought out plan that is win-win for community and development team. Will vote Takistan. Thank you!
  5. Thank you for all the hours of effort put into this from management/development side and from all who contributed with constructive comments and suggestions!
  6. Pog, Thank You to all the folks who have made this a reality!
  7. Set restart(s), like maybe 1 or 2 restarts a day so you can keep a good mix for all styles of players. I think you will lose a lot more players or those that would return if it is full chaos 24-7, or as other have mentioned maybe just last 1-2hrs of every restart.
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