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Schmal Abbar

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Everything posted by Schmal Abbar

  1. Love this idea encourages something else than slamming shit and hoping you're the first one to get bullets off. Can be more organized with these bigger points where you're holding.
  2. fix the levels hardest shit to grind for and makes 0 sense
  3. I also think that there should be at least one or two more weekly server wide events alongside gang wars. Whether the server shuts down and gets whitelisted is up for debate, but having big events would increase twitch viewership since it obviously does for gang wars. Having gang wars and one or two other events like jet pack wars, large races, KOTH Events, Turf Wars, or any other events would get players away from the monotony of spamming majors and holding the same zones all day every day.
  4. Y’all are mad dumb if you don’t say yes to everything. Especially to a wipe don’t be selfish. Changes need to be made to retain new players and bring back old players so if you can’t adapt to change then you need to learn to.
  5. Simple times, but the best times. Don't overdo it with this taki
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