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Loxxon Husky

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Everything posted by Loxxon Husky

  1. looks to be a CG capture point to be honest but damn he done an amazing work on it tho!
  2. someone make water capture point also would love to see a Fort rework or some sort
  3. Military Base already gives out class 3s and 2s You need 13 cops to do it
  4. I also forgot to mention that doing military base major gives out class 3s as well
  5. My idea: Add class 2 all of it to rebel shop. Add class 2 to PD currently we are heavily limited on it. I recommend PD the following Any Variant of MP5 smgs & PDWs , Senior Trooper+ MPX trooper + Protector - Trooper+ weapon. Steyr AUGA2 Para 9mm - Senior Trooper+ Sting 9mm - Cpl+ P90 - Sgt+ Allow civs to buy SDAR Allow CG to use SDAR Allow civs to get class 3s pre doing smug boat, transport truck and pirate ship. Crafting also another good thing.
  6. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Gardner ReapoDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? MSRT member and a good outstanding member of Coast Guard. I think he will bring good support to civ life and PD life if he was to return back. Dudes pretty funny I love him.
  7. Persons name you think should be unbanned: Lucas Uzamaki/JacksonDoes the person acknowledge what they did was wrong: YesWhat attributes do you think this person could bring to ANZUS? MSRT member and a good outstanding member of Coast Guard. I think he will bring good support to civ life and PD life if he was to return back.
  8. I don't see the issue here ever since 3.0 came out with CG cops would always have 30 and CG would have 9 or 10.
  9. Man should get Vice Admiral next to Paul. In regards to Commissioner of Military Affairs I think Tyrell Newman or Conor Lee should be appointed since both have been dedicated them self's to CG a lot and I believe they would make great fit.
  10. @Jack Chapman Post my Academy furry poster or post this
  11. Question 1: Do we want to completely wipe just money? (You will keep your crafting, mining level etc and perks)DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: Yes I love this idea however I think it would be best if Law enforcement got a pay rise right now the Taki $17.500 we get on max paycheck perk helps us alot. I hardly even made 2mil yet. However if we want to balance things out at least drop it to like $8,700 max perk. Question 2: Do we want to add some sort of function such as a dice roll or a rock paper scissors for majors for any major that lasts longer than 30mins? TLDR: If a major is at a standpoint where the cops are holding and the civilians are holding and no one plans to push, one side loses a 50/50 and has to push.DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: No Just no This is a bad idea Mister. Question 3: Do we want player reports on the forums to be completely anonymous/private? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: I'm going to say yes to this most of us don't want to have our player report videos to be public to everyone on the forums. Question 4: Did you prefer the map layout of Kings Peaks or Kings County? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: @Doug Jumper I'm gonna say it but bring back 2.0 Map good Old Kamdan Question 5: Do you want Takistan to go full Purge with unlimited money, levels and jets? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: ye bruh
  12. Before REA was made we used to be making all the money from ticketing but not anymore. Like There is nothing for Patrol to make any money at all Our Patrol Missions suck balls they only give us 100$ or 366$ which is nothing at least buff it to $1.200 per Patrol at least. Only good thing Patrol Missions give us is XP.
  13. Mort I don't die that often but its a big of a bitch to make any money on cop. It takes 5 pay checks of $3.500 to get $17,500 I mainly spend around 15.500$ my gear loadout including Items. Ain't 5 pay checks like 2 or 3 hrs ?
  14. The only issue I see is that if you are a cop main and don't play civ very often you make less money. We hardly make any money at all as an LEO, By all means if we had the Altis Life LEO pay check system would fairly make cop play enjoyable. Hell we all started at 500K on Taki we had one NATO guy gone broke because there is no other way of making money on cop.
  15. At the moment we only make $3.500 for max paycheck perk. Now if cadets & Probi Troopers only get $3.500 that's fine but when it comes to full time officer for trooper it should be $4.500 Senior Troopers get $6.300 While Corporals get $7.500 SGTS can get $9.500. Above LT+ they all get $10.500. By all mean this is fairly of why you should stay in cop force. Medics make all the fucking money, Hell they got a pay check rise of $4.250 that is pretty good.
  16. If a wipe was to happen at least buff the COP payout like go by rank payout. here's an example.
  17. I have mainly played cop alot and I can tell you right now I don't have over 5 mill at all currently I only have 2 mill around their. As you can see cops don't make money at all it takes months and months to make money as a patrol officer while spec ops have better stuff to do where they get more money but then again they are get the down side of having expense gear. Another great reasoning would be is to nerf the rich guys and make some guys who are not rich or higher lvl just get a slight nerf?
  18. Name: Loxxon Husky Time played on 4.0: I played ever since 4.0 was out. Do you have anything in the next two month(s) that will effect you being able to help testing: No Not at all. Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: I understand. Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: (Any long term/trusted ANZUS members will not be required to do this)
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